Pre-inspection Survey 

Please complete and return this form prior to your scheduled appraisal.  

Please note that the appraiser is not responsible for the decision making on the loan funding determination. If you disagree with the value, ask your lender about the Appraisal Rebuttal procedure, where you can contest the appraisal results.

The collected information is confidential and will not be used for any other purpose other than the appraisal report.  

Please make sure you provide a credible email address that will be used for communication purposes.

If you have any Pets: Please make sure that your pets are secured and locked away in a manner that does not endanger and/or prohibit the appraiser from conducting the walkthrough safely and without interruptions. If your pet is not secured properly, the appraiser may choose to turn down the inspection immediately.


Inspection Logistics:

– Please provide the appraiser with photographs and/or copies of blueprints/floor plans of the appraised property if you have them. These can be made available at the time of inspection or attached to this survey form on the bottom of this web page.

– If you have had a previous appraisal over the past 5 years that you are able to provide a copy of you may send it as an attachment to this webpage or give it to the appraiser at the time of inspection.

– Please make sure that the following home elements are available for access at the time of the inspection if applicable: -Crawl Space -Attic -Garage -All rooms (besides closets) -All individual units -Outside-the-house Manufacturer’s Plate (if any) -Electrical box -Inside-the-house Paper Certificate (If any) -Furnace/Boiler -Accessory/Additional Structures If you have any Pets.

Contract Details

Please list any improvements within the last 15 years on your property

Does your property have any of the following features?

HOA Details: (Please answer all the questions below)

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.